Platlet Rich Plasma
Quicker healing
PRP is short for “Platelet Rich Plasma” or “Plasma Rich in Platelets”. Plasma and platelets are parts of our blood. If we have a wound and a bleeding, the platelets first ensure blood clotting and then healing by starting regeneration processes. You should see these regeneration processes as biological chain reactions.
If we compare them with the chain reactions of an atomic bomb, which are inactive until they are triggered with the push of a button, we can say that the platelets give the spark to start the regenerative chain reactions. The plasma then contains all the nutrients necessary for these reactions to continue.
In aesthetic medicine we use PRP (so concentrated blood platelets) to start these natural regeneration processes, but this time without a wound. If you consider this, you will not be surprised to learn that PRP and stem cells form the basis of regenerative medicine.
We take a blood sample to obtain PRP. From this we extract the platelets and the plasma. This takes 15 minutes and then the PRP is ready to process as an injection, as a spray, a gel, a membrane, in a mask or a bandage…
PRP is also used in the “𝒱ampire lift”, in the “stem cell lift”, together with PRF (platelet rich fibrin), in the “plasma lift”, together with a lipofilling, as a spray after resurfacing…
Since a PRP treatment can stimulate the natural mechanisms of our body, which ensure our survival, we can expect that PRP will repair if there is something to repair:
If there is inflammation, then it is healed, if there is a wound, it is healed… For example, we use PRP to heal wounds faster, to heal joint infections, tendon infections,…
In aesthetic medicine, we use the regenerative and rejuvenating effect of PRP to counteract the signs of aging; to improve the skin, to slow down hair loss…

Treadlift, Filting
Lifting Effect
“Wire lifts”, including “thread lifts” or &Ldquo;filtings” include a variety of thread and needle techniques. We distinguish between the stuck threads with lifting effects, also called “suture suspensions” and the loose or floating threads which lift less or give skin tightening and tightening.
For these techniques we use both soluble and permanent threads, from different materials. The threads may or may not be elastic or have barbs and knots. They can consist of monofilament or braided wires and may or may not have a shape memory. Furthermore, they can be placed in a line, corner, loop, a woven or neat pattern. Since they are needle and thread techniques without cutting, they are reversible since the threads can be removed. Colored wires can be destroyed with a laser.
The procedure is performed under local anesthetic and lasts 15 to 90 minutes. We easily combine different types of wires to optimize the result. There is no loss of work, but folds or bruises may be visible after treatment.

Lift without cutting
Facelift, Necklift
Skin Tightning
Lift without cutting
There are different treatment techniques to perform a facelift, neck lift, or eyebrow lift… without cutting. The results are good, but strongly depend on the skin quality, age, and technical details. The effect of these treatments is therefore highly variable from person to person.
We can divide the treatment techniques into 3 major categories: First we have injection techniques with different products such as fillers, PRP, lipofilling, stem cells… We then speak of a “liquid face lift”. We also have the so-called “EBD” or "energy based devices" with which we mean lasers, microwaves, RF, HIFU… Finally, there are a whole series of thread and needle techniques, the “thread lifts” and “thread suspensions”.
Tightening drooping skin does not fill a sunken skin. Keep in mind that stretching the skin has a lifting effect in 2 dimensions, while a padding will give a lifting effect in 3 dimensions. We must therefore take into account different facets and make separate assessments for each.

High Intensity Focused Ultra Sound
Excessive Transpiration
HIFU is short for “high intensity focused ultra sound” and uses sound waves that are not audible to humans, such as with an ultrasound.
With HIFU, the sound waves are focused in a focal point to do a treatment while being reflected on ultrasound, like an ultrasound, to obtain an image diagnosis.
As with an ultrasound, a gel is applied to the skin to ensure good contact of the probe with the skin. Anesthetic is never necessary and the treatment does not cause any loss of work or visible injuries. The duration of treatment per session is quite short, but usually three sessions are required to achieve the desired result.
With HIFU, a high sound energy can be concentrated in a small focal point. This allows, for example, to destroy growths straight through the skin, without damaging the superficial layers. We use HIFU to perform a face lift and / or neck lift without cutting, to treat excessive sweating.

Sucking away Subcutaneous Fat Tissue
By liposuction or lipoaspiration we mean the suction of the subcutaneous fat tissue.
With a vibroliposuction, we use a vibrating cannula (= suction tube) which has an additional emulsifying effect on the adipose tissue. The fat tissue then becomes liquid, making it possible to vacuum it up with fine material and under low pressure, so that there is even little or no bleeding.
Most requested areas are the “breeches” or “culotte de cheval” ; the so-called “pool float” or “poignets d'amour” or “love handles” ; and the double chin.
The treatment takes place under local anesthesia, without hospitalization and lasts 1 to 3 hours after which you can simply return home. It is little or not painful during and after the procedure.
The aim of the treatment is not a slimming but an improvement of the silhouette by removing fat tissue in places where this does not work with diet and sport. The result is therefore not assessed on the scale, but in front of the mirror.
In places where there is a shortage of adipose tissue, we can also add adipose tissue (lipofilling, liposhifting). So in fact we can model the body and we speak better of a liposculpture or lipoplasty.
We can call the obtained result definitive, because the removed fat cells can no longer fill with fat. However, if you continue to take in excess calories, the remaining fat cells will continue to fill…

Injection Technique
Fuller Skin
Mesotherapy is an injection technique in which a large number of very small injections are given and a very small amount of product is injected each time. We do this manually with a syringe or with a special device, with or without a needle.
In aesthetic medicine, we inject moisturizing, nourishing and revitalizing products in addition to vitamins, minerals, DNA extracts, stem cells...
The skin becomes fuller again, recolored, becomes more ‘radiant’, with wrinkles fading.
With anti-edematous (= unswelling) and lipolytic (fat-dissolving) products, cellulite and ‘orange peel skin&rSquo; can also improve.
The treatment is little or not painful and does not cause any lost time. We mention bruises as the main side effect. Sporadically, there are inflammatory or allergic reactions. The price of the treatment depends on the injected products, the injected zone and surface.
Mesotherapy is widely used in sports medicine, traumatology, rheumatology and for pain treatment.
Multiple sessions are required, starting 2 weekly, later 4 weekly.

Pigmentation & Wrinkles
Skin Reinforcment
In addition to chemical peels, we also have physical peels, laser peels… On this page we now limit ourselves to chemical peels. In chemical peels we think of molting, but this is not always the case.
In addition to medium peels that peel or shed with dry crusty flakes for 3 to 12 days, such as blisters, there are also peels without peeling the skin.
With this we accelerate the natural exfoliation of the skin so that the skin layers renew themselves more quickly. The exfoliation of the skin is so superficial and fine that it is simply not visible.
In addition, there are deep peels where the skin does not become dry and crusty, but on the contrary is temporarily moist and heals like a scrape without scaling.
A local anesthetic is only required for the deepest peels. Various chemicals can be used for a peeling. They can also be applied to the skin as a liquid, cream, paste, gel or as a mask. So there are many options. We use this and usually combine several peels in one and the same treatment session.
The most important thing is that we adjust the peeling to your skin type, skin area (face, décolleé, hands, ...) and that you follow a previous “prepeel” treatment to prepare your skin, so that you will recover faster and better. Peelings can also be combined with other treatments in the same session.
Peelings remove pigmentation and fine wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. They give you a fresher color, smooth out blemishes, strengthen the skin and fade scars and pregnancy masks.
Peelings clean skin and pores, stabilize acne and prevent or cure early stages of skin cancer.
The skin is not thinned by a peeling, but thicker, stronger and healthier. A peeling may therefore be appropriate for aesthetic reasons, but also for purely medical reasons.

Pigmentation - Scars - Wrinkles
In treatment with radio frequency (RF) waves or microwaves, one also speaks of sublaser treatments and coblation (a contraction of the words “cold” and “ablation”). We can also obtain an evaporation (vaporization) of tissue with these waves. like with lasers. Unlike lasers, these treatments do not require wearing glasses to protect the eyes.
A local anesthetic is usually required. A mild to moderate redness or scab can cause a 3 to 9 day social loss. To accelerate healing, we also offer this treatment in a fractional form (Frax, Lima,…). The disadvantage is that the treatment has to be repeated.
We use these waves to cut into tissues without bleeding and with minimal scars, such as for removing growths. We can also use them to firm the skin, to fade scars, pigmentation and wrinkles.

Skin Resurfacing
Depth Treatment
New Skinlayer
Skin Resurfacing
By “skin resurfacing” we mean a group of treatments, in which the skin is very precisely removed or treated to a predetermined depth, in such a way that the skin can grow back more beautiful and healthier and in other words forms a new layer of skin.
If the top layers of skin are removed, we speak of an ablative resurfacing, if this is not the case, we have a non-ablative resurfacing. We offer different types of ablative resurfacing:
- with chemical peel,
- with (mechanical) dermabrasion,
- with laser (laser resurfacing),
- with radio frequency (RF) waves.
If you want a softer, painless and more progressive resurfacing without visible traces of treatment and without lost time, you can choose from various forms of “skin remodeling”:
- non ablative laser skin resurfacing (laser chromopeel, FRAC3, VIP,…)
- microwaves (radiofrequency resurfacing…)
- resurfacing with sound waves (HIFU)

𝒱ampire lift
Dracula lift
Rejuvenation of the Skin
𝒱ampire lift
“Vampire lift”, “Dracula lift” etc ... are imaginative names, which are used to attract media attention. Aesthetic medicine has a commercial aspect.
In fact, they are just variants of a “liquid face lift” that are performed with an extract from your blood, with the aim of obtaining a “rejuvenation” or a “wrinkle buster” effect. Publicity good, and on top of that, the result is good too.
First, a blood sample is taken. Platelets and / or plasma are immediately taken from your blood and injected back into the face during the same treatment session, décolleté; zone… and / or used to create a mask. Fillers are added at the same time to obtain an immediately visible effect.
The treatment takes 30 to 60 minutes, does not require anesthesia and does not lead to a loss of work.

Filling of Wrinkles
Skin Improvement
With fillers we mean products in a more or less liquid state that can be injected. We can divide them into three main categories:
The first category includes the synthetic fillers: The most commonly used fillers have a composition that is identical to the hyaluronic acid present in our skin, but there are also other products with a completely different composition.
The fillers based on own cells belong to a second category. Usually it concerns the own fat cells. The reason for this is that we can easily absorb (“liposuction”) and process (“lipofilling”) in liquid form.
A third category includes fillers based on stem cells and growth factors. In contrast to both previous categories, these do not give an immediately visible filling and are therefore not real fillers. Their effect is metabolic, they do not fill immediately, but stimulate our body, resulting in a very gradual and natural filling.
With fillers, we can not only make wrinkles and folds disappear, but we can also change the shape of the face, nose, chin, lips ... without intervention. We use them to correct asymmetries, to position eyebrows or corners of the mouth, to moisturize the skin, to improve scars and to rejuvenate the face or other areas of the body.
The synthetic fillers we use have a temporary effect, the duration of which depends on the product. We have never used permanent synthetic fillers since they are not safe in the long term.
Fillers based on own cells and stem cells do give a permanent result and are also safe in the long term.

Reinjecting Fat Cells
Opvullen Rimpels
For a lipofilling, we will draw up liquid subcutaneous fat tissue and inject the fat cells from somewhere else. It is therefore a transplant of your own tissue and therefore very safe, since allergies and infections on your own tissue are virtually non-existent.
To this “transplant” to perform well and not to damage the fragile cells, we work with the softest techniques and the finest material. We also opt for mini treatments and therefore rather for several small fillings (mini lipo fillings, micro lipofilling) than for one large filling.
This allows us to minimize swelling and work more precisely, which also makes the procedure much more comfortable for the patient.
With this approach, the treatment is virtually painless, does not cause bleeding, no wounds, no scars and only causes minimal side effects. There is at most some minimal swelling or minimal bruising and therefore no lost time.
A fraction of the displaced fat cells will of course always die despite the best care, but because we repeat the treatment 1 to 2 times, we can take this into account and we also get a very progressive improvement.
The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, without hospitalization and usually takes 1.5 to 3 hours.
Regarding the zones:
Most common in our practice is that fat cells are aspirated at the knee, abdomen or a double chin and back are injected at the face, décolleté zone, hands…
Other zones are less frequent. Some areas such as the breasts require large volumes, the techniques are also different and you may be better in the hospital.
To optimize the result, we frequently combine a lipofilling with a PRP treatment and an LED treatment. A lipofilling requires little or no specific aftercare.
In contrast to liposuction, which can reduce subcutaneous volumes, a lipofilling can increase these volumes. A lipofilling not only fills wrinkles and collapsed skin areas, but also allows us to change the shapes and contours of our body.
No wonder then that we are going to speak of liposculpture.
It is important to know that the result of a lipofilling, unlike the synthetic fillers, is permanent, but will not be immediately visible. The result is permanent, because the fat cells continue to live in their new place.
The result is not immediately visible, because some of the displaced fat cells will die, but also because the lipofilling regenerates the tissues and this takes 3 months.
This regeneration can be explained by the fact that our subcutaneous fat tissue also contains skin stem cells.
So we apply both stem cells and fat cells with a lipofilling. The stem cells then provide the skin improvement through regeneration, while the fat cells fill the subcutaneous tissue.
If desired, we can separate the stem cells from the fat cells and use them separately for a treatment.
We speak of a stem cell lift (“nano lipofilling”) and this can then rejuvenate (“regenerate”) a zone without adding much volume.
Often fat cells and stem cells are also used together with PRP to perform a liquid facelift.Aside from aesthetic treatments, lipofillings are also used to correct tissue defects from wounds, burns and scars…

Improve Scars
Subcisions are treatments on the underside of the skin, with the aim of loosening the top layers of the skin from the deeper layers for medical or aesthetic reasons.
We can offer various techniques for subcision, namely by using specific threads, needles, cannulas or special instruments. They are low invasive and safe treatments, which can be easily performed under local anesthesia.
The subcision may not be painful, but the problem is that you may experience bruising and bruising for 1-2 weeks, especially if the area to be treated is large.
If you have active acne or skin inflammation, we will calm it down before we start with a subcision.
First we analyze the skin, the localization and the degree of the injuries and we discuss all options with the cost price.
A subcision in itself is not really an expensive treatment, but in order to obtain optimal results, we regularly have to make combinations with other treatments such as laser, LED or radio-frequency treatments,…
We try to continue these treatments during the same session.
For deeper lesions, we can refine the treatment by adding, for example, a filler, a stem cell, PRP… In extended zones, we can offer an (infra) red LED lighting to accelerate the healing, but such combinations make the procedure more expensive.
A subcision can be done to improve wrinkles, but it usually involves scars. A single subcision may suffice for correction of wrinkles, but for scars, the treatment must be repeated several times, with an interval of approximately 2 months, to achieve a good result.
Subcisions are treatments on the underside of the skin, but it is often advisable to treat the surface of the skin with a “shaving”, a “resurfacing” or a peeling… to obtain an optimal aesthetic result. The skin itself may not be equally thick everywhere and we need to make thick scars thinner or thicker. If there are deep pits or dents, the skin in these places should be raised with “relevations”…

Light Emmitting Diode
Faster Wound Healing
An LED treatment is a light treatment with a large number of LEDs (= Light Emmitting Diode).
Light is essential for plants, but also for human survival. Just as plants use photosynthesis to process light energy, our skin has mechanisms to convert light energy into biochemical energy, just think of our vitamin D production under the influence of light.
Our skin will react when exposed to sunlight; tanning our skin in the sun is a reaction of our body to better stop additional harmful UV radiation.
However, the light colors that we can see are not harmful to our eyes and skin, but have a beneficial effect on our body. These colors differ from each other because they have specific properties and thus have a different effect on our body. For example, red light can be used to heal wounds faster. Red colors are also strongly absorbed by plants and therefore all show a green color.
An LED light treatment takes an average of 10 to 30 minutes, is painless, safe and efficient with clear results. It can be applied to all parts of the body and has both local and distant effects throughout the body.
It can be combined with many other treatments and usually has synergistic effects. The color, duration, number of treatments etc. depends on the indication.
An LED treatment consists of a light treatment, in which light of one color (ie with a specific narrow wavelength) is produced by LED lamps. We choose one particular light color to avoid harmful radiation and obtain a specific effect (such as regeneration, wound healing…) on the body.
We use quite strong LEDs in a large number (thousands) for this. In this way we get light with a high intensity and therefore a greater effect.

Non Surgical Facial Transformation
Face Modification
NSFT is short for “Non Surgical Facial Transformation". This concerns a set of non-surgical techniques that we optimally combine to achieve a change in the face.
An NSFT treatment can then, for example, consist of a filler and laser treatment, preceded by a peeling and combined during the same treatment session with a liposuction or lipolysis of the double chin, a lipofilling of the face and a brow lift with suspension threads. At first glance, this may seem like a major intervention, but this is not always the case, because there are many gradations in the implementation. The essence of this approach is that we optimize the result of the treatment and the comfort of the patient by combining techniques. Often it is not painful and even an interruption of work is not necessary.
The purpose of the treatment can also be very different.
Either one wishes a rejuvenation, a “REJUVENATION”, in which one wishes to maintain the personal characteristics to the maximum.
Either one wishes to change their own external characteristics, and then we are not talking of a rejuvenation, but of a renovation or a “BEAUTIFICATION”. Another possibility is not to carry out everything in the same treatment session, but rather spread over time and opt for a very gradual facial transformation.

Eyelid Correction
Changing Eyelids
Eyelid Correction
An eyelid correction or blepharoplasty is a treatment in which the shape, position or appearance of the eyelids is changed.
There are several methods to do an eyelid correction:
If there is a lot of overhanging or drooping skin, cutting it out is usually the best option. In addition, there are also non-cutting procedures:
- The chemical eyelid correction with a phenol peeling has the additional advantage that all fine wrinkles around the eyes will also disappear, but has the disadvantage of a longer recovery period.
- With the laser, radio frequency, plasma… eyelid correction, the recovery period can be shortened by performing a fractional treatment. The result is then obtained more progressively because the treatment is much lighter and may need to be repeated.
- In any case, which one is the best option should be considered separately. We also think it is important to pay attention to the effects of an eyebrow lift (“brow lift”) on the appearance of the eyes.

Plasma Treatment
Adding Nutritional Compounds
Plasma Treatment
By “Plasma” one can mean two completely different things: we know plasma as part of our blood. It contains all the nourishing components, proteins, minerals, vitamins, hormones, etc. of our own body.
With plasma we also mean an aggregation state. Solids, liquids and vapors are also states of aggregation.
We use plasma with or without platelets to achieve a healing, regenerative or rejuvenating effect. A blood sample is first taken to obtain plasma. The plasma is then immediately withdrawn from the blood and processed in an injection, in a spray, gel, mask or bandage during the same session.
We can now also have our skin change from aggregation state. As we can evaporate moisture by cooking, for example, we can use a laser to vaporize or “vaporize” our skin.
In a plasma treatment we use small electrical discharges to ionize the air layer just above our skin or in other words to give it an electric charge. The ionized air is then called plasma. It has changed state of aggregation because it now has an electric charge and has become electrically conductive. This also allows our skin to volatilize or sublimate.
This technique allows us to tighten or remove skin without scars and is mainly used in thin skin areas such as around the eyes (plasma blepharoplasty), so that the skin of the eyelids can be removed without cutting.

Ink Patterns
When placing a tattoo, color particles are introduced into the skin at a variable depth. Depending on the tattoo technique used, these particles are more or less evenly, deep in the skin. If you want to remove the tattoo now, it is important to know how deep the color particles are in the skin and whether they are equally deep everywhere.
If you want to remove the tattoo without making scars, laser treatments are most appropriate. One then stands for technically more complex treatments, which require more time than getting the tattoo.
With older tattoos, the sharp lines of the tattoo disappear and the drawing will fade more. This is because the particles spread further into the tissues and lymph nodes. Multicolored tattoos can also cause allergy, eczema, irritation or itching depending on the chemical composition of each color pigment. If you wish to have such a multicolored tattoo removed, you need several different laser devices and this increases the costs of treatment.
It is not easy to remove a color, since a certain color can sometimes change color instead of disappearing. Such reactions are predictable if the chemical composition of the tattoo ink is known, but this is usually not the case.
Tattoos can therefore vary widely, also in dimensions and they can be located in more or less delicate areas. Sometimes a specific local anesthetic technique is needed to remove them. Sometimes they hide scars, pigment lesions or previous tattoos and we need to take special precautions.
In any case, you need to provide several treatment sessions and it is best to consult in advance so that we can evaluate the data, propose a way of approach and give a price indication.